Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tofu Scramble with Kolhrabi Greens and Chard Stems

This is one way I've found to use up miskalaneous parts of my vegetables. Chard stems are beautiful and tasty. They have a bite like celery, but have a much sweeter and earthier flavor. Also I usually get the chard stems to myself, as my partner, who loves chard greens, never cooks the stems. (Fine with me!) The kolhrabi greens I tried for the first time this morning. Alas they tasted wonderful, but I didn't cook them long enough--generally greens should be cooked a few minutes less than chard stems. Not, however, kohlrabi greens, they need a few more minutes than the stems.

Tofu scramble

Kolhrabi greens (or whatever greens are available)
Chard stems
Tofu (flattened and crushed with a fork)
Turmeric (for flavor and to color the tofu like cooked scrambled eggs)
Asafoetida (a spice, it tastes great, but its a bit expensive.)
Shoyu (or tamari soy sauce)
safflower oil

Heat the oil in a pan medium heat
add the Kohlrabi greens (cook a few minutes)
(keep stirring the ingredients regularly)
add the chard stems (cook a few minutes)
add any additional greens
add the tofu
add a teaspoon or two of turmeric mix it with the tofu so it colors yellow
add the asafoetida to everything
add a bit of the shoyu

eat up.

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